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Unraveling the Mystery of the Extra Day

For over 400 years, most of the world has used the Gregorian calendar. Implemented as a modification of the Julian calendar by Pope Gregory XIII,...

Digital Detox: A Healthy You in a Hyperconnected World

Remember the world before smartphones buzzed in our pockets and laptops glowed on every countertop? It wasn't so long ago, and while technology has...

Financial Fitness in 2024: Budgeting and Saving Tips

Let's face it: our financial concerns are slightly different than they were in our 20s. Retirement looms, healthcare costs creep up, and those...

Assessing Your Assets

Most of us think of our personal assets as just “things” we’ve acquired over time. But in reality, they are more like valuable tools in a toolbox....

New Year's Resolutions: Staying Committed Year Round

Within the lyrics of Auld Lang Syne, the timeless song often sung just after the stroke of midnight on New Year’s Eve, we raise our glasses to...

The Magic of Christmas Traditions

When chestnuts are roasting and Jack Frost is nipping at your nose, you know the holiday season is upon us. Perhaps your family doesn’t roast tree...

How to be a Time Management Whiz During this Busy Season

The holiday season is a time for joy, family, and celebration. But for many of us, it's also a time of immense stress. Between shopping, cooking,...

Self-care tips for December

As the winter wind chills the air and colorful lights brighten our days, December invites us to embrace festivity and reflection. Amid the joyful...

Mastering the Mind: Techniques for Better Memory and Cognitive Function

Ah, the marvelous workings of the human mind – where memories are crafted and cognitive functions dance. If you're in the wise age group of 50 and...

The Art of Productive Procrastination: How to Make the Most of Downtime

Mark Twain once said, "The best way to get something done is to begin by doing something else." If that's not the battle cry of productive...

Eating for Energy: Foods that Boost Your Stamina and Productivity

We all encounter days when the weather feels a bit gloomy and our energy levels could use a lift. So today, we're here to share a secret with you –...

Managing Home Maintenance: Year-Round Checklists for a Well-Maintained Property

Ah, the joys of homeownership. Whether it’s your air conditioner quitting on you in the middle of the night or a lawn that doesn’t seem to stay...

Do You Breathe the Correct Way?

By Rachelle Ballard-Clayton October 27, 2023 Health and FitnessOne of the most significant functions I check with new clients is their breathing...

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